In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Gen 1:1

Thursday, March 1, 2012

                               The Creation Period

   Day One:   Genesis 1:1-5 In the beginning! And with those words God created the heaven and the earth. The earth is without form, and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep. All of these terms have a negative connotation, and suggest chaos and disorder. The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the deep. Could this be when air that we breathe was  added to the earth? God sent light into the world, and God saw that it was good. Then God separated the light from the dark. This light was before the sun was created, so was this light the presence of God in the earth? Were the day and night, spiritual light and spiritual darkness? We will see that the terrestrial day and night are created in day four.
    Day Two:   Genesis 1:6-8  God made a firmament to divide the waters below and above the firmament. And God called this firmament heaven. Notice the lack of the positive affirmation of it's nature. God did not see this as good. 
   Day Three:   Genesis 1:9-13 God caused the waters to separate and allow dry land to appear. And God saw that it was good. God made vegetation to grow on the land, and  God saw that it was good. Note that there are two positive affirmations on this day.
   Day Four: Genesis 1:14-19 God created the sun, moon, and the stars, and placed them in the firmament. From this we can see that the firmament is not just the thin layer of air that envelops the earth, what we call atmosphere, but is the entire Universe. This firmament separates the waters above from the waters below the firmament. God saw that the creation of the sun, moon, and stars as good. Here we see the beginning of the terrestrial day and night.
    Day Five:  Genesis 1:20-23 God makes the creatures of the sea and the birds of the sky. There is no separation on this day, but the things that are made inhabit two things that had already been separated. God saw that it was good and God blessed them.
    Day Six:  Genesis 1:24-31 God created the animals that move upon the land, and God makes man in his own likeness and gives him rule over everything he has made. God blessed man and told him to be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. God provided food for man and animals, as he had made them vegetarians. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Notice that the other things were "good", but here it is "very Good".
    Day Seven: Genesis 2:1-4a God rested on this day as he had finished all his work in making the heavens and the earth, and everything in it. God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. Notice that the creation story ends with the first sentence of verse four. "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created." This account is from the celestial perspective. Beginning in Genesis 2:4b, or with the second sentence of verse four, is a retelling of creation from a terrestrial perspective, giving more details about certain things. Genesis 2:19 we are told that God had made all the beast of the field, and all the birds of the air from the ground, just as he had made man. We are told what man will eat, and what the beast will eat, but no were are we told what the creatures in the sea will eat. Nor are we told what they are made from. Also, when the flood comes, the fish of the sea will not need to be taken into the ark.

                           The Antediluvian Period

    Year 130   Genesis 5:1-5 Adam is 130 years old when Seth is born. Adam lives 930 years and dies in the Year 930.
      Year 235   Genesis 5:6-8 Seth was 105 when Enos is born. Seth lived 912 years. He died in the Year 1042.
      Year 325   Genesis 5:9-11 Enos was 90 when Cainan is born. Enos lived 905 years. He died in the Year 1140.
      Year 395   Genesis 5:12-14 Cainan was 70 when Mahalaleel is born. Cainan lived 910 years. He died in the Year 1235.
      Year 460   Genesis 5:15-17 Mahalaleel was 70 when Jared is born. Mahalaleel lived 895 years. He died in the Year 1290.
      Year 622   Genesis 5:18-20 Jared was 162 when Enoch is born. Jared lived 962 years. He died in the Year 1422.
      Year 687   Genesis 5:21-24 Enoch was 65 when Methuselah is born. Enoch was 365 year old when God took him. Enoch did not die but God took him in the Year 987.
      Year 874   Genesis 5:25-27 Methuselah was 187 when Lamech is born. Methuselah lived 969 years. he died in the Year 1656. This is the year of the flood.
      Year 1056  Genesis 5:28-31 Lamech was 182 when Noah is born. Lamech  lived 777 years. He died in the Year 1651.
                      The Noachic Period

      Year 1556   Genesis 5:32 After Noah was 500 years old he had three son's Japheth, Shem, and Ham. Japheth is revealed to be the oldest in Genesis 10:21. Genesis 9:24 states that Ham is the younger. So that makes Shem the middle son. Shem is listed first because it is through him that the promised seed of woman will come. Genesis 3:15.
      Year 1656   Genesis 7:6 This is the year of the flood. Noah is 600 years old. Noah, his wife, and his three son's and their wives enter into the ark.
      Year 1657   Genesis 8:13-16 The flood ends and Noah is 601 years old. He and all that is with him in the ark come out. Noah was born in the Year 1056, and lived 950 years and died in the Year 2006. This is three years before the birth of Abraham.

      Year 1659   Genesis 11:10-11 Shem was 100 years old when his son Arphaxad is born. This is two years after the flood. Noah would be 603 years old when his grandson is born. That would make him 503 when his son Shem is born in the Year 1559. Shem lived to be 600 years old and died in the Year 2159. This is ten years after Isaac and Rebekah are married, and ten years before Jacob and Esau are born.

      Year 1694   Genesis 11:12-13 Arphaxad was 35 when Salah is born. Luke 3:35-36 list Salah as Arphaxad's grandson. Cainan is listed as Arphaxad's son. One possible answer might be that Cainan was very young when Salah was born, and Arphaxad was more like a father to Salah than a grandfather. Possibly Cainan died young and Arphaxad raised Salah. Arphaxad lived 438 years and died in the Year 2097.
      Year 1724   Genesis 11:14-15 Salah was 30 years old when Eber is born. Salah is 433 years old when he died in the Year 2127.
      Year 1758   Genesis 11:16-17 Eber was 34 years old when Peleg is born. This is the year the nations were divided and their language confused because of the Tower of Babel. Eber lived 464 years and died in the Year 2188.
      Year 1788   Genesis 11:18-19 Peleg was 30 years old when Reu is born. Peleg lived 239 years and died in the Year 1997.
      Year 1820   Genesis 11:20-21 Reu was 32 years old when Serug is born. Reu lived 239 years and died in the Year 2027.
      Year 1850   Genesis 11:22-23 Serug was 30 years old when Nahor is born. Serug lived 230 years and died in the Year 2050.
      Year 1879   Genesis 11:24-25 Nahor was 29 years old when Terah, the father of Abraham, is born. Nahor lived 148 years and died in the Year 1998.
      Year 1949   Genesis 11:26 After Terah was 70 years old he had three sons, Haran, Abram, and Nahor. As with Noah's son's the oldest is listed last, which put Shem the middle son first in the list, it would appear the same with Terah's son's. The reason for this would be to have Abram listed first. It is through him that the promised seed will come.
                    The Patriarchal Period

    Year 2009   Genesis 11:27 Terah was 130 years old when Abram is born. Genesis 11:32 tells us that Terah was 205 when he died in Haran. Genesis 12:4 tells us that Abram was 75 years old when he departed from Haran to go to Canaan after his father died. Subtract 75 from 205 you get 130.
      Year 2079   Genesis 11:28-32 Haran, Terah's son died in Ur, the land of his birth. Nahor married Milcah, his brother Haran's daughter. Abram married Sarai, his half sister. Genesis 15:7 tells us that God called Abram while he was still in Ur before he went to Haran. Genesis 15:13 God tells Abram that his seed will be a stranger in a land that is not theirs for 400 years. Exodus 12:40-41 says that Israel dwelt in Egypt 430 years. Paul tells us in Galatians 3:17 that the promise was given to Abraham 430 years before the law. Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born and Abraham circumcised him. Genesis 21:4-5. This is the start of the 400 years until Israel will come out of Egypt. There is no proof text for this, but it will be established as we count the years forward. And we will see that it is 400 years from the birth of Isaac until Israel comes out of Egypt. Counting back 430 years would make Abraham 70 years old when he left Ur. Genesis 11:31 says that Terah, Abram, Haran's son Lot, and Abram's wife Sarai left Ur to go to Canaan.  It would seem that at the beginning when God had first called Abram that his father Terah was going with him. They made it as far as Haran, which is also called the city of Nahor, Genesis 24:10. It is possible that Nahor had moved his family here first and established this city and named it after his brother, who was also his father-in-law. There is a city in Turkey that is called Urfa, 24 mile northeast of Haran. For hundreds of years the local people have called it the birth place of Abraham. This is were Nahor and Abram were born in my opinion. Abram told his servant " go unto my country, and to my kindred, and take a wife for my son Isaac", Genesis 24:4. This proves that Abram came from this region, and this is close to the "Ur of the Chaldees". Why did Terah and Abram stop in Haran, you would expect them to stop and visit, but why did they stay. One answer might be the health of Terah who was an old man. Genesis 11:32 tells us that Terah dies in Haran. Terah lived 205 years and died in the Year 2084.
      Year 2084   Genesis 12:1-5 God tells Abram to leave his father's house and go to a land that he will show him. Abram was 75 years old when he goes from Haran after his father dies.
      Year 2094   Genesis 16:3 Abram had lived in Canaan 10 years when Sarai gave Hagar, her handmaid, to Abram to wife.
      Year 2095   Genesis 16:15-16 Hagar conceived and bare Ismael when Abram was 86 years old. Ismael lived 137 years and died in the Year 2232.
      Year 2108   Genesis 17:1-17 Abram's name is changed by God to Abraham. The land of Canaan is promised as an everlasting possession to his seed. Circumcision becomes the token of the covenant between Abraham and God. And a son is promised to him through Sarah, and he will be the heir to the covenant promises of God. Abraham is 99 years old at this time, but he says of himself in Genesis 17:17 that he is 100. We most assume that he is speaking about his age that he will be at the birth of this promised son.
      Year 2109   Genesis 21:1-5 Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac is born.
      Year 2146   Genesis 23:1-2 Sarah was 127 years old when she died.
      Year 2149   Genesis 25:20 Isaac was 40 years old when he married Rebekah.
      Year 2169   Genesis 25:26 Isaac was 60 years old when Esau and Jacob were born.
      Year 2184   Genesis 25:7 Abraham was 175 years old when he died.
      Year 2209   Genesis 26:34 Esau was 40 years old when he married two Hittite women.
      Year 2246   Genesis 28:1-10 Jacob was 77 years old when he left Canaan to go to Laban's house, as his parents told him to go there and get a wife from there family. To find his age here we have to use his age when he went into Egypt. Genesis 47:9 tells us he was 130 years old when he went down to Egypt. Now we must subtract Joseph's age from Jacob's. Genesis 41:46 tells us that Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh. Genesis 41:53-54 says that the 7 years of plenty was over and that the 7 years of famine has began. Genesis 45:6-11 Joseph tells his brothers that 2 years of famine are over and there are 5 more years to go. And he sends them to get his father Jacob and bring him down to Egypt. This makes Joseph 39 years old when Jacob comes to Egypt. So if you subtracted Joseph's age, 39, from Jacob's age, 130, you get 91. That's how old Jacob was when Joseph is born. Genesis 30:25-26 Tells us that Jacob had finished his 14 years of service when Joseph was born. If we subtract 14 from 91 we get 77, which is Jacob's age when he come's to Laban's house. Keep in mind that Jacob served Laban 20 years, 14 for his daughters and 6 for his cattle.
Of Jacob's children, Joseph and Benjamin are the only two we can calculate their birth. All the others we have to estimate. All of Jacob's children, except Benjamin, were born in Haran in the 14 years that Jacob served Laban. Jacob's wife Leah had 7 children during this 14 year period. Also she had a period of years that she was barren. Jacob's wife Rachel was barren during all these years until the last year of the 14 years of service to Laban. Genesis 37:3 would suggest that the birth of Jacob's last son of his other wives was a period of time, maybe two or three years before the birth of Joseph.
      Year 2247   Genesis 29:32 Leah conceived and bare a son, and names him Reuben. 
      Year 2248   Genesis 29:33 Leah conceived again and bare a son, and named him Simeon.
      Year 2249   Genesis 29:34 Leah conceived again and bare a son, and named him Levi.
      Year 2250   Genesis 29:35 Leah conceived again and bare a son, and named him Judah. And then she went a period of time and did not bare any children. 
      Year 2251   Genesis 30:1-6 Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid bare a son, and Rachel named him Dan.
      Year 2252   Genesis 30:7-8 Bilhah, Rachel's handmaid conceived again and bare a son, and Rachel named him Naphtali.
      Year 2253   Genesis 30:9-11 Zilpah, Leah's handmaid bare a son, and Leah named him Gad. 
      Year 2254   Genesis 30:12-13 Zilpah, Leah's handmaid conceived again and bare a son, and Leah named him Asher.
      Year 2255   Genesis 30:17-18 Leah again conceived and bare a son, and she named him Issachar.
      Year 2256   Genesis 30:19-20 Leah again conceived and bare a son, and she named him Zebulun.
      Year 2257   Genesis 30:21 Leah again conceived and bare a daughter, and she named her Dinah.
      Year 2260   Genesis 30:22-25 God opened Rachel's womb and she conceived and gave birth to Joseph when Jacob was 91 years old. And Jacob's 14 years of service to Laban had ended. 
      Year 2266   Genesis 31:17-38 Jacob leaves Haran after 20 years to go to his father in Canaan and makes it as far as mount Gilead. It is over 300 hundred miles and it takes Jacob 10 days to get there. Laban goes after him, and it takes him 7 days to catch Jacob in mount Gilead. Rachel had stolen her fathers images of his gods, and Laban searches for them, and Jacob says he does not have them, but if Laban finds them, then let the person who has them not live. Jacob did not know that Rachel had them.
      Year 2267   Genesis 35:16-20 Rachel gives birth to Benjamin at Bethlehem, and dies during child birth. Genesis 35:27 And Jacob came unto his father Isaac in Hebron.
      Year 2277   Genesis 37:1-36 Joseph was 17 years old when his brothers sold him into slavery. He and his family were living near Hebron, verse 1 and 14, and probably had been since their arrival there 10 years earlier, Genesis 35:27.
    Year 2289   Genesis 35:28 And Isaac died, Esau and Jacob buried him.
                      The Years of Bondage

      Year 2290   Genesis 41:46 Joseph was 30 years old when he stood before Pharaoh. He had been in Egypt for 13 years by this time. It had been 2 years earlier that he had interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh's butler and baker, Genesis 40:1-19 and 41:1.
      Year 2297   Genesis 41:50-52 During the 7 years of plenty Joseph's wife bare him two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim.
      Year 2299   Genesis 46:1-34 Jacob and all his house go into Egypt. Genesis 47:9 Jacob was 130 years old when he came before Pharaoh. God had told Abraham that in the fourth generation his descendants will come out of Egypt. If we start with Jacob's son Levi, his son Kohath, who was born in Canaan, Genesis 46:11, and his son Amram, who was born in Egypt, and his son Moses who brought the children of Israel out of Egypt. Levi, Kohath, Amram, and Moses makes four generations. Exodus 6:18-20 tells us that Kohath was 133 years old when he died, and Amram was 137 years old when he died. Moses was 80 years old when he lead Israel out of Egypt. If you total their ages it comes to 350 years. So it becomes evident that Israel was in Egypt much less than 350 years. Remember that Kohath was born in Canaan and Moses lead them out of Egypt.
      Year 2316   Genesis 47:27-28 Jacob dies in Egypt at 147 years of age. 
      Year 2370   Genesis 50:26 Joseph dies in Egypt at 110 years of age.
      Year 2386   Exodus 6:16 Levi the son of Jacob dies in Egypt at 137 years of age.
      Year 2429   Exodus 6:20 Moses is born. If we subtract his age (80) from the year that Israel comes out of Egypt we get the year of his birth.
      Year 2469   Exodus 2:15 Moses fled from Pharaoh into the wilderness.
      Year 2509   Exodus 7:3 Moses was 80 years old when he spoke before Pharaoh. Aaron was 83 years old.
      Year 2509   Exodus 12:40-41 All of the children of Israel came out of Egypt after 430 years on the selfsame day. Paul tells us in Galatians 3:17 that this 430 years is the time between the promise to Abraham and the Law of Moses. The promise was given to Abraham when he was 70 years old in Ur of the Chaldees. That was in the Year 2079. If you add 430 years to that you get the Year 2509 as the year Israel comes out of Egypt.

                       Wandering Years

      Year 2509   First Month Fifteenth Day  Exodus 12:37 Moses lead the people out of         Egypt, six hundred thousand men on foot, beside women and children, on the selfsame day that God had called Abraham and gave him the promise. And they began their journey from Rameses to Succoth, and camped there (Nu. 33:5) on the day after the Lord had passed over them and killed the first born of all the Egyptians. Exodus 13:20 From Succoth they journeyed to Etham and camped there. Ex. 14:2 From there they went to Pi-hahiroth. Ex. 14:19-31 From there they crossed the sea at night. Ex. 15:22 Went three days into the wilderness of Shur and camped at Marah. Ex 15:27 From Marah they went to Elim. Nu. 33:10 From Elim they went and camped by the Red Sea. 
      Second Month Fifteenth Day   Nu 33:11 From the Red Sea they went and camped in the Desert of Sin. Quail were given in the evening as promised by God. (This is the first time that God provided them with meat. The next time would be a year later with disastrous results for the people). The next day God provided Manna for them to eat. The children of Israel will eat Manna for forty years until they come into the land of Canaan. Nu 33:12-14 from the Desert of Sin they went to Dophkah. From there they went to Alush, and from Alush they went to Rephidim. Ex 17:8 At Rephidim they fought with Amalek and destroyed them with God's help. 
      Third Month Fifteenth Day   Ex 19:1-15 They journeyed from Rephidim to the wilderness of Sinai and camp in front of the mountain of God. Moses goes up the mountain to talk to God. The Law is given and instructions on how to make the Tabernacle.
      Year 2510   First Month First Day Exodus 40:2-17 The Tabernacle is set up. Then a cloud covered the Tabernacle, verse 34.
      First Month Fourteenth Day Numbers 9:1-5 Israel keeps the Passover while still camped in front of  Mt. Sinai.
      Second Month Twentieth day   Numbers 10:11-12 The cloud was taken up from the tabernacle and the children of Israel marched. And thus began 38 years of wandering in the wilderness.
      Year 2548   First Month   Numbers 20:1  The children of Israel came to Kadesh and Miriam the sister of Moses dies.
      Fifth Month First Day   Numbers 33:37-39 They move from Kadesh to Mt. Hor and Aaron dies being 123 years old.
      Sixth month First Day   Numbers 20:29 After thirty days of mourning for Aaron, the children of Israel  marched east and then north.
      Eleventh Month First Day   Deuteronomy 1:1-4 Moses spoke to the people all the words that God had commanded him. Dt. 31:2 And Moses was 120 years old and he died, Dt. 34:5-8 and God buried him in Moab. And the children of Israel did not move, but stayed far side of Jordan over from Jericho and mourned Moses for thirty days.

                      The Theocracy Period

      Year 2549   Joshua 4:19 Joshua leads the children of Israel across the Jordan river on the tenth day of the first month, and camps at Gilgal. Joshua 5:10 Israel keeps the first Passover after coming into Canaan on the First Month Fourteenth Day.
      Year 2555   Joshua 14:6-15 After six years the children of Israel have defeated their enemies and the land had rest from war. We know that it took six years because Caleb was 85 years old at the end of the wars, verse 10. he was 40 when Moses sent him to spy out the land. That was a year after the exodus. He would have been 39 when he left Egypt, and it was 40 years to the day that Israel crossed the Jordan and camped at Gilgal and kept the Passover. He would have been 79 years old when the war began and he was 85 years old when it ended. A difference of six years. Joshua 24:26-31 Joshua and the elders who outlived him ruled Israel for 52 years. From the Year 2549 until the Year 2601. In Joshua 11:26 Jephthah, one of the judges of Israel says that it had been 300 years since Israel had defeated the Amorites and taken their land. But in fact it had been much longer than that. If we total the years after Joshua and the elders that Israel was ruled by a judge before Jephthah, we get 248 years. Israel was ruled by other nations for 71 years during that time. That's a total of 319 years. That doesn't count the years that Joshua and the elders ruled. Jephthah was not counting the years that Israel was ruled by others. So if you take the 300 years that Jephthah states, and you subtract the 248 years that Israel was ruled by judges, you get 52 years. That's how long Joshua and the elders after him ruled. That brings us to the Year 2601.
      Year 2601   Judges 3:5-8 The king of Mesopotamia ruled Israel for 8 years.
      Year 2609   Judges 3:9-11 God raised up Othniel to be a deliverer of Israel. Othniel judged Israel for 40 years.
      Year 2649   Judges 3:12-14 Again Israel sinned and God gave them over to Eglon, king of Moab. And he ruled Israel for 18 years.
      Year 2667   Judges 3:15-31 God sends Ehud and Shamgar to deliver Israel. Ehud judged Israel for 80 years.
      Year 2747   Judges 4:1-3 Again Israel done evil and God gave them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan. And he oppressed them for 20 years.
      Year 2767   Judges 4:4-24 God sent Deborah and Barak (also called Bedan) to deliver Israel. Judges 5:31 And Israel has rest for 40 years.
      Year 2807   Judges 6:1-6 Again Israel does evil and God delivered them into the hand of Midian for 7 years.
      Year 2814   Judges 6:11-24 Then God calls Gideon to deliver Israel. Judges 8:28 The land had peace in the days of Gideon for 40 years.  
      Year 2854   Judges 9:22 Abimelech, Gideon's son ruled as king over Israel for 3 years. The people of Israel had ask Gideon to be king and rule over them, and his son's after him, but he refused, Judges 8:22-23. He told them that the Lord shall rule over you.
      Year 2857   Judges 10:1-2 After Abimelech, Tola judged Israel for 23 years.
      Year 2880   Judges 10:3-5 After Tola, Jair judged Israel for 22 years.
      Year 2902   Judges 10:6-9 Again Israel sinned and God gave them over to the Philistines and the Ammonites for 18 years.
      Year 2920   Judges 11:4-11 The men of Israel call Jephthah to be their deliver. Judges 12:7 And Jephthah judged Israel for 6 years.
      Year 2926   Judges 12:8-10 After Jephthah, Ibzan judged Israel for 7 years.
      Year 2933   Judges 12:11-12 After Ibzan, Elon judged Israel for 10 years.
      Year 2943   Judges 12:13-15 After Elon, Abdon judged Israel for 8 years.
      Year 2951   Judges 13:1 Again Israel sinned and God gave them over to the Philistines for 40 years. Judges chapter 13-16 tell the story of Samson the deliverer and judge of Israel. But as we chronicle the years we do not count the years that Samson judged Israel. To see why, we must look at several key verses. Judges 13:5 an angel brings the word that Manoah's wife would conceive and bare a son, "and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the Philistines". Judges 15:11 When the men of Judah came to bind Samson to turn him over to the Philistines, they said to him, "Knowest thou not that that the Philistines are rulers over us?" Just as Deborah judged Israel when Jabin, the king of Canaan ruled Israel, Judges 4:4, so did Samson. Judges 15:20 Samson judged Israel in the days of the Philistines for 20 years. The Philistines ruled Israel for 40 years, Samson was a judge during the last 20 years of their rule. Judges 16:30 So at his death Samson killed more Philistines than he had during his life. And he delivered Israel from the Philistines.
      Year 2991   1 Samuel 4:12-18 After Samson delivered Israel at his death, Eli the high priest began to Judge Israel. He judged Israel for 40 years. When Eli was 98 years old word was brought to him that the armies of Israel had been defeated by the Philistines and the Ark of God had been taken. At that word he fell over dead in the Year 3031.
      Year 3031    1 Samuel 7:1-2 The Philistines again ruled Israel for 20 years and 7 months. They had the Ark of God for 7 months, 1 Samuel 6:1, and then returned it to Israel. But continued to rule over them for 20 years until Samuel delivered them.
      Year 3051  1 Samuel 7:3-17 Samuel calls for Israel to repent, and tells them if they will, then God will deliver them from the Philistines. They obey Samuel and the Philistines are defeated, and they come no more into Israel all the days of Samuel. And all the lands and cities of Israel are restored. Samuel judged Israel all the days of his life. Samuel was a Deliver, Judge, and a Prophet. At the first he was all three at once. But after he anoints Saul king, he is no longer the deliver, but he remains a judge and a prophet all of his life. We know this to be true because Samuel lived long after he had anointed Saul king, and the Philistines came up against Saul two years later, 1 Samuel 13:1-5, but we know that they did not come up during the days of Samuel. So this refers not to Samuel's life time, but to the time that he was Israel's deliver. 1 Samuel 12:11 Samuel calls himself a deliverer. But how long was Samuel a deliverer. To find the number of years that Samuel delivered Israel we must start at 1 Kings 6:1. Here we are told that 480 years after Israel came out of Egypt, in the fourth years of Solomon's reign, the temple was began to be built. It is obvious that the chronicler is not counting all the years that have past. Paul tells us in Acts 13:20 that the time of the judges until Samuel came was about 450 years. He says about because of the 7 months that the Philistines had the Ark of God. So we need to count all the years. Let's start with the 40 years in the wilderness, 52 years of Joshua and the elders, 450 years of the judges, the years that Samuel delivered Israel we don't know yet, the reign of Saul, 40 years, (Acts 13:21) the reign of David, 40 years (2 Sa. 5:4), and the forth year of the reign of Solomon. All totaled, equals 626 years, not counting the years of Samuel that we don't know yet. So, what years did the chronicler not count? Let's use the same rule we used with Jephthah's 300 years. There's the 40 years in the wilderness and 131 years that Israel is ruled by others. That's 171 years, subtracted from 626 years, and we get 455 years. The difference of 480 and 455 is 25 years. That's how long Samuel delivered Israel, and then he anointed Saul to be king. Add the 25 years of Samuel to the 626 years and we get 651 years. That's how long it was from the exodus until the temple was began in the Year 3160.

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